Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Things I should have said.....but couldnt SAY!

Hello fellas,
I guess the title of this blog is self-explanatory. many a times it happens with us that we are very desperate to say something to somebody but at the very last moment we feel choked and words simply cant come out of our mouth. That somebody can be anybody, he/she might be among the closest persons to you like your parents or siblings or can be your best buddy or even the girl you have been following for the last one year but never spoke to her.

These are not the big things we intend to say, just simple thanks or a small token of appreciation and compassion, which actually takes less effort than required for raising a finger, but for some unknown reasons that moment feels like the heaviest as if the burden of this whole planet has been put on you.

Lets take the example of our parents especially fathers. We know how much we love them and they too are aware of this feeling but still we are not able to express this feeling clearly and more importantly comfortably. There is always an invisible wall between us and our parents that stops us from coming across articulately. We will do anything for them, yet we cant say how we feel about them, that we love them more than anything else in this world. Where its so difficult for us to show our love for them, we find it extremely easy to argue with them and more often than not we end up hurting them. And the most perplexing thing is that while arguing with them we know at the back of our mind that somethings wrong but still we persist, only god knows why, because if we knew we wont do it in first place.

Since we say so many things that offend them it becomes more important to express your love once in a while by saying simple things like "I love u dad" or "only you could do this for me". I know its easier said than done but at least we can try. So lets try to make them happy while we have the chance so that we dont regret in the future and think that i should have said this.

Now the same goes for the girl you like but dont have the guts to tell her how deeply you are in love with her. You are always under the fear that if you tell her she would hold you in low regard. See that is the irony here, if you dont tell her at all you will never know how she felt about you. Who knows you may be in for a surprise, so its always better to take your chances than holding back your emotions.

So go out there and tell the world how you feel about it because if you dont then only you are going to regret that there were lot of things i wanted to say but i couldnt.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

I was so HAPPY....Then I met YOU-The Two States

If u had read my last blog (I am ALIVE..)by any chance and liked it (again by chance) there is a possibility that u will like this one as well...so just be kind and be patient to finish this blog...

First of all let me clear whose YOU here, YOU is that someone special whom we like very much and if she is not there with us our life turns into a misery...well this is atleast what we think. But cross ur heart and tell me how many of u really believe this? (and pls be honest atleast to urself). Good now that u know what the truth is we can proceed.

There is a great theory called 'Theory of Relativity', which says that in this world everything is relative, even the important states of 'Happiness (H State)' and 'Misery (M State)'. We always tend to compare our states with people around us and then we decide for ourselves which of the two states to get into. In a way, the actions of people prove to be more decisive than our own actions while deciding the H or M State for us.(Pls be patient im coming back to the topic)

Just like the two states discussed earlier, we have two sets of people in this world- Committed (C) and Single (S). With two states and two sets, it seems perfect mathematics (just like 2 variables and 2 equations), but the irony is that nobody knows that which variable fits in which equation.

This irony can be explained using earlier mentioned 'Theory of Relativity'. Scenario 1: An S guy sees a C guy with his someone special and immediately marks H state for C guy and M state for himself. Scenario 2: Now imagine a scenario when a C guy sitting alone with his someone special sees an S guy with his buddies (enjoying and lol), there is a high probability that the states will exchange sets now.

U must be feeling that these scenarios are just my imagination, but believe me i have done enough research before making all these notions public. I belong to set S so I myself have experienced scenario 1 and when i talked to some of my committed friends that is when i came to know that scenario 2 also exists. One of my committed frnds admitted that he envies my S status as he is not able to enjoy fully with his frnds because of extra responsibilities that come along with the C status. In return I said that I envy his position as I miss that someone special with whom I can share some sensitive moments. (its not that my frnds are not sensitive, but there is some stuff which only a girl would understand).

So u c, grass is always green on the other side. I mean if u belong to set S and u believe that ur in state M (kindly note that u believe, u might not actually be in state M) then changing ur set to C does not guarantee ur transition to state H. It is u who will ultimately decide the state for u and not the set u belong to or people u think can.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I am 'ALIVE', really?

I am alive and u would say so r u.....but hang on a min, sit down, rest yourself for a moment on a chair, take a deep breath and now try to figure out whether u r alive or simply living. Ok, let me put it this way.....do u really remember wen was the last time u spent a whole day without worrying about anything, and i mean anything.....now go back some 10-15 years back (for some it may be even longer).....visualise ur self in a dirty white shirt and ever dirtier black shoes...a tie barely hanging around your neck.......yes u guessed it right i am taking u back to your school days and u will realise that how exciting life used to be and u never worried about anything rather u looked forward to all the things and surprises.

lets figure out what has actually changed since then?

Start with an average day of that period....ur mother coming into ur room after every two mins to make sure that you are up and you asking for some more time, just like your manager keeps checking on you and you replying with "its almost done sir".

then ur ready to leave for school (and office, now) and u r pushing ur cycle so hard to reach ur destination that even Aamir Khan (I presume all of u have seen 'jo jeeta wohi sikandar' and if not then please stop right here and watch the movie first) would be proud of u.....just like u rush to your office these days......with a slight difference that now you are probably traveling on two extra tyres.....which makes sense since u surely have put on some extra pounds too.

now ur ready to take on ur job which was study in school and work in office......ur teacher has been replaced by ur manager now, both having the same kind of influence on ur life, evaluating ur performance and contributing their bit in deciding ur future.

in school u had frnds or classmates who in corporate world are called colleagues...........u spent some hours in school and some in ur coaching centre, with total duration roughly being equal to the time u spent in office.

All in all the life, the kind of people and the whole universe around u is almost the same it used to be, then why this feel that it was so much better back then and it sucks big time now. As a famous song from DevD says "Kahan Chali Gayi Hai Saali Khushi........."

I would say its right dere in front of u, and its u who has turned its back on it. Observe small things happening around u and u will realise that world is still the same, its still beautiful and so funny that every moment u will find something to cheer about......it could be the way ur manager speaks or blinks his eyes, or people doing and saying all kind of funny stuff to impress others...it could be anything....

So moral of the story is that u can turn even worst of the conditions into moments to cherish forever, provided u have the right kind of attitude and will to see the lighter side of life and always remember that "whatever happens, happens for good"..........

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fuel the ROCKET

This week is saw Rocket Singh (finally..) and not even once, while watching this movie i lost my interest..so credit must be given here to the cast and crew of the movie.....a job well done must say. Ok, that was the entertainment part, now something serious to discuss.

I am sure that many of u would have identified with this movie, especially my frnds who are entrapped in the vicious corporate world and hate their managers probably more their ex-girlfrnd or the new boyfrnd of their ex-girlfrnd. If im not wrong u too must have felt at some point or other that this is it, i need to do something better with my life. I was never meant to do this...and u r right, we have every right to do watever we want in our lives. Each one of us have Rocket Singh inside us, its just that who has that will and zeal to fuel this ROCKET.

I know its easier said than done, giving up your settled life, your job which is most likely your sole source of income and chase your dream, do wat u like and not wat others want for u. But hey, isn't it worth a try?

I would say its worth every single penny....and u know wat u dont have to worry about ur job if u can take out some time every day from ur busy schedule, u can still manage to do wat u like the most and keep ur job intact as well.

So stop cribbing about ur job from today and think about wat u actually love to do and believe me if u pick up the right choice (i mean the thing u enjoy the most) everything will fall in place........and who knows, one day u might be able to make a business out of your hobby and dat would be the job you are most suited to do and dat is why you are here.

I am here to stay.......

Hi Guys,
so this is it.......the moment of truth.....finally i have created my own blog and believe me...for me it was as much difficult as for Australians to refrain from sledging. To be very honest, i was never a great fan of blogging, as i never understood that how people can let their emotions out so comfortably in public. But that seems to be changing now....after reading a couple of blogs of my frnds. Now i feel that blogging is not all about writing ur own views, its about exchanging ideas, here u give some and u get some...which i feel is very important if u want to learn something in ur life.
Today i start my blog, cos i want to bring some change into my life. I have had enough of my mundane lifestyle...home-to-office-to-home-to-bed (only after checking my gmail...apparently the only use of internet i find). Earlier i tried to change my routine by picking up a novel........but after reading 30 long and tiresome pages i realized that this is not my cup of tea, i better go and surf the TV channels, which somehow has become my favourite passtime of late. I went for days thinking about how can I make my life more interesting, what is that one thing which i can pick up and not give up so easily, just like myriad other things i tried my hands at (including my dirty guitar......yes i did try to learn guitar.....but to no avail.......may be one day). Then it struck me that while i am not reading anything i am not even writing anything, except my boring company reports which can be written by using just ten words (u would know which are those if u have been writing any).
Well this is when i decided to start blogging........and i just hope that i stick to it this time......this is the reason that i have titled my first blog "I am here to stay........".
So i guess i will stop boring u guys now and will try to write something interesting next time, something that will transcend my own space. Till then "ASTALAVISTA"........