Saturday, January 30, 2010

I am here to stay.......

Hi Guys,
so this is it.......the moment of truth.....finally i have created my own blog and believe me...for me it was as much difficult as for Australians to refrain from sledging. To be very honest, i was never a great fan of blogging, as i never understood that how people can let their emotions out so comfortably in public. But that seems to be changing now....after reading a couple of blogs of my frnds. Now i feel that blogging is not all about writing ur own views, its about exchanging ideas, here u give some and u get some...which i feel is very important if u want to learn something in ur life.
Today i start my blog, cos i want to bring some change into my life. I have had enough of my mundane lifestyle...home-to-office-to-home-to-bed (only after checking my gmail...apparently the only use of internet i find). Earlier i tried to change my routine by picking up a novel........but after reading 30 long and tiresome pages i realized that this is not my cup of tea, i better go and surf the TV channels, which somehow has become my favourite passtime of late. I went for days thinking about how can I make my life more interesting, what is that one thing which i can pick up and not give up so easily, just like myriad other things i tried my hands at (including my dirty guitar......yes i did try to learn guitar.....but to no avail.......may be one day). Then it struck me that while i am not reading anything i am not even writing anything, except my boring company reports which can be written by using just ten words (u would know which are those if u have been writing any).
Well this is when i decided to start blogging........and i just hope that i stick to it this time......this is the reason that i have titled my first blog "I am here to stay........".
So i guess i will stop boring u guys now and will try to write something interesting next time, something that will transcend my own space. Till then "ASTALAVISTA"........

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