Sunday, February 7, 2010

I am 'ALIVE', really?

I am alive and u would say so r u.....but hang on a min, sit down, rest yourself for a moment on a chair, take a deep breath and now try to figure out whether u r alive or simply living. Ok, let me put it this u really remember wen was the last time u spent a whole day without worrying about anything, and i mean go back some 10-15 years back (for some it may be even longer).....visualise ur self in a dirty white shirt and ever dirtier black shoes...a tie barely hanging around your neck.......yes u guessed it right i am taking u back to your school days and u will realise that how exciting life used to be and u never worried about anything rather u looked forward to all the things and surprises.

lets figure out what has actually changed since then?

Start with an average day of that period....ur mother coming into ur room after every two mins to make sure that you are up and you asking for some more time, just like your manager keeps checking on you and you replying with "its almost done sir".

then ur ready to leave for school (and office, now) and u r pushing ur cycle so hard to reach ur destination that even Aamir Khan (I presume all of u have seen 'jo jeeta wohi sikandar' and if not then please stop right here and watch the movie first) would be proud of u.....just like u rush to your office these days......with a slight difference that now you are probably traveling on two extra tyres.....which makes sense since u surely have put on some extra pounds too.

now ur ready to take on ur job which was study in school and work in office......ur teacher has been replaced by ur manager now, both having the same kind of influence on ur life, evaluating ur performance and contributing their bit in deciding ur future.

in school u had frnds or classmates who in corporate world are called colleagues...........u spent some hours in school and some in ur coaching centre, with total duration roughly being equal to the time u spent in office.

All in all the life, the kind of people and the whole universe around u is almost the same it used to be, then why this feel that it was so much better back then and it sucks big time now. As a famous song from DevD says "Kahan Chali Gayi Hai Saali Khushi........."

I would say its right dere in front of u, and its u who has turned its back on it. Observe small things happening around u and u will realise that world is still the same, its still beautiful and so funny that every moment u will find something to cheer could be the way ur manager speaks or blinks his eyes, or people doing and saying all kind of funny stuff to impress could be anything....

So moral of the story is that u can turn even worst of the conditions into moments to cherish forever, provided u have the right kind of attitude and will to see the lighter side of life and always remember that "whatever happens, happens for good"..........


  1. Hmmm... I can so relate to it... n i agree with you to a large extent, but i also feel that there was something different about those times... there was a lot of simplicity in minds and hearts... even if you try bringing back that spirit, the outcome wont be the same...

  2. True..but dat is what im trying to say..try to make it as much similar and simpler as possible and hope for the best
