Saturday, April 3, 2010

I was so HAPPY....Then I met YOU-The Two States

If u had read my last blog (I am ALIVE..)by any chance and liked it (again by chance) there is a possibility that u will like this one as just be kind and be patient to finish this blog...

First of all let me clear whose YOU here, YOU is that someone special whom we like very much and if she is not there with us our life turns into a misery...well this is atleast what we think. But cross ur heart and tell me how many of u really believe this? (and pls be honest atleast to urself). Good now that u know what the truth is we can proceed.

There is a great theory called 'Theory of Relativity', which says that in this world everything is relative, even the important states of 'Happiness (H State)' and 'Misery (M State)'. We always tend to compare our states with people around us and then we decide for ourselves which of the two states to get into. In a way, the actions of people prove to be more decisive than our own actions while deciding the H or M State for us.(Pls be patient im coming back to the topic)

Just like the two states discussed earlier, we have two sets of people in this world- Committed (C) and Single (S). With two states and two sets, it seems perfect mathematics (just like 2 variables and 2 equations), but the irony is that nobody knows that which variable fits in which equation.

This irony can be explained using earlier mentioned 'Theory of Relativity'. Scenario 1: An S guy sees a C guy with his someone special and immediately marks H state for C guy and M state for himself. Scenario 2: Now imagine a scenario when a C guy sitting alone with his someone special sees an S guy with his buddies (enjoying and lol), there is a high probability that the states will exchange sets now.

U must be feeling that these scenarios are just my imagination, but believe me i have done enough research before making all these notions public. I belong to set S so I myself have experienced scenario 1 and when i talked to some of my committed friends that is when i came to know that scenario 2 also exists. One of my committed frnds admitted that he envies my S status as he is not able to enjoy fully with his frnds because of extra responsibilities that come along with the C status. In return I said that I envy his position as I miss that someone special with whom I can share some sensitive moments. (its not that my frnds are not sensitive, but there is some stuff which only a girl would understand).

So u c, grass is always green on the other side. I mean if u belong to set S and u believe that ur in state M (kindly note that u believe, u might not actually be in state M) then changing ur set to C does not guarantee ur transition to state H. It is u who will ultimately decide the state for u and not the set u belong to or people u think can.


  1. That is exactly what happens when an engineer tries to explain the philisophy of life... :) But yes its all true, we happiness, misery, pain, everything is relative... Good one!

  2. Dude i was helpless couldnt resist my engineer instincts....but i m glad u liked it cos i was not sure how many would...but again its relative..isnt it!

  3. ha ha ha..bhai well written..!! but trust me when u say this "but there is some stuff which only a girl would understand"..there is no stuff like this..u only share that stuff with a girl which u know is silly enough to be shared with guys..:P

  4. Oye nunne!!!
    First of all,m among those who won't believe its u who have written a blog,even after repeated reading -- i guess sometimes u must b feeling d same,still :-)
    Nicely written,with clarity of thoughts!Seems a lot of research has gone into it.Why not try fr a paper in a journal..Jain' Phd Thesis might also help..hehe

    keep writing..keep surprising! :)

  5. Thanks singla....yeah ur right even i cant believe that i have written a blog let alone this one
