Saturday, January 30, 2010

Fuel the ROCKET

This week is saw Rocket Singh (finally..) and not even once, while watching this movie i lost my credit must be given here to the cast and crew of the movie.....a job well done must say. Ok, that was the entertainment part, now something serious to discuss.

I am sure that many of u would have identified with this movie, especially my frnds who are entrapped in the vicious corporate world and hate their managers probably more their ex-girlfrnd or the new boyfrnd of their ex-girlfrnd. If im not wrong u too must have felt at some point or other that this is it, i need to do something better with my life. I was never meant to do this...and u r right, we have every right to do watever we want in our lives. Each one of us have Rocket Singh inside us, its just that who has that will and zeal to fuel this ROCKET.

I know its easier said than done, giving up your settled life, your job which is most likely your sole source of income and chase your dream, do wat u like and not wat others want for u. But hey, isn't it worth a try?

I would say its worth every single penny....and u know wat u dont have to worry about ur job if u can take out some time every day from ur busy schedule, u can still manage to do wat u like the most and keep ur job intact as well.

So stop cribbing about ur job from today and think about wat u actually love to do and believe me if u pick up the right choice (i mean the thing u enjoy the most) everything will fall in place........and who knows, one day u might be able to make a business out of your hobby and dat would be the job you are most suited to do and dat is why you are here.


  1. this is called gyan dhara..
    u r right bro, but for taking time out of ur busy schedule everyday ur job must give u a chance to do that, isint it??

  2. dude ... keep it up... keep blogging..
