Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Things I should have said.....but couldnt SAY!

Hello fellas,
I guess the title of this blog is self-explanatory. many a times it happens with us that we are very desperate to say something to somebody but at the very last moment we feel choked and words simply cant come out of our mouth. That somebody can be anybody, he/she might be among the closest persons to you like your parents or siblings or can be your best buddy or even the girl you have been following for the last one year but never spoke to her.

These are not the big things we intend to say, just simple thanks or a small token of appreciation and compassion, which actually takes less effort than required for raising a finger, but for some unknown reasons that moment feels like the heaviest as if the burden of this whole planet has been put on you.

Lets take the example of our parents especially fathers. We know how much we love them and they too are aware of this feeling but still we are not able to express this feeling clearly and more importantly comfortably. There is always an invisible wall between us and our parents that stops us from coming across articulately. We will do anything for them, yet we cant say how we feel about them, that we love them more than anything else in this world. Where its so difficult for us to show our love for them, we find it extremely easy to argue with them and more often than not we end up hurting them. And the most perplexing thing is that while arguing with them we know at the back of our mind that somethings wrong but still we persist, only god knows why, because if we knew we wont do it in first place.

Since we say so many things that offend them it becomes more important to express your love once in a while by saying simple things like "I love u dad" or "only you could do this for me". I know its easier said than done but at least we can try. So lets try to make them happy while we have the chance so that we dont regret in the future and think that i should have said this.

Now the same goes for the girl you like but dont have the guts to tell her how deeply you are in love with her. You are always under the fear that if you tell her she would hold you in low regard. See that is the irony here, if you dont tell her at all you will never know how she felt about you. Who knows you may be in for a surprise, so its always better to take your chances than holding back your emotions.

So go out there and tell the world how you feel about it because if you dont then only you are going to regret that there were lot of things i wanted to say but i couldnt.